What is Ethical Alchemy?
Welcome to Ethical Alchemy, an exploration of history, diplomacy, law, politics, philosophy, gaming, and whatever else comes to mind. Why these categories?
I have a B.A. in US History from the University of Minnesota, and have voraciously read, and sometimes wrote, history since I was quite young. My particular interest is military history; I wrote my senior thesis on the deterrent effect of moving the Pacific Fleet to Pearl Harbor in 1940.
I was a Foreign Service Officer (diplomat) for twenty-five years, until my retirement in 2012. (Obviously, nothing I post should be seen as reflecting the views of the US Government.)
I have a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Minnesota, and I am an inactive member of the Minnesota Bar. (Obviously nothing I post should be considered legal advice.)
With Damocles' sword (the Hatch Act) gone from over my head, I can more freely engage in political discussion, even advocacy. Plus, I met hundreds if not thousands of politicians in my career as a political officer, so I do have some opinions on the breed.
As my wife notes, philosophy means simply a love of wisdom. It is a truism, but wisdom is a rarer gem than knowledge, and knowledge less common than mere feeling.
I started playing commercial wargames in 1972, D&D in 1975, poker in 1977. N.b.: On Boardgamegeek.com I am PScipio. See, e.g.: http://rpggeek.com/rpgdesigner/26899/alan-j-carlson
Whatever else?
Why not?
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