Monday, December 20, 2021

What was written as current affairs is now popular history and military sociology.

In March 1995, at what we now know to be the midpoint between the Cold War and the so-called Global War on Terror, military journalist Tom Ricks embedded himself in a platoon of recruits going through Marine Corps boot camp at the famed Parris Island. Making the Corps, Ricks' account of that experience, was published in the late summer of 1997, just as I enrolled – as a Foreign Service Officer – in the Marine Corps' Command and Staff College in Quantico. Like Ricks, in my ten years in the State Department (to that point), I had had frequent contact with Marines – the detachments that secured our embassies, and my Ambassador in Jamaica, who had been the first African-American to lead a Marine infantry unit in combat (in Vietnam), and was at that time a Reserve USMC Major General (two-star).

The bulk of the book is, properly enough, taken up with the literal trials and tribulations of the 63 men who seek to gain the title and dignity of being called “U.S. Marine,” which will only come after they complete the eleven week course. Ricks, much like the drill sergeants, focuses his attention on the stand-outs and wash-outs among the recruits. For the D.I.s, those in the middle will do ok without their attention. For Ricks, the ends of the bell curve provide better stories: “reformed” white supremacists and nominally criminal gang members from SE Washington DC are more interesting than fast food employees or even a washed up accountant. And it is interesting – but is it an authentic picture of the Marine recruit in the mid-1990s? Probably not.

Where the book really disappoints though is the penultimate chapter, Ricks' attempt to predict the coming role of the Marines and the US military. Having belabored the idea that there exists a deep and widening gap between the military generally and the Marines specifically and civilian culture at large, Ricks doubles down. Earlier, he noted that the skinhead and the gangbanger agreed that a “race war” was coming to America (and that Jews were at fault). In this latter chapter, he turns to experts with better credentials but the same bigotry to argue that as the military experiences the then-expected downsizing, and American culture is ravaged by the supposed acolytes of cultural Marxism, the Marines will be called on to maintain peace and order at home. Ricks is blind to oncoming rush of terrorism, even though al Qaeda had already bombed the World Trade Center in 1993 and the USAF barracks in Khobar, Saudi Arabia in 1996 (initially atributed to Hezbollah and its backer Iran), neither of which he mentions, and the Marines suffered 220 deaths in the 1983 Beirut terror bombing (which Ricks does mention).

In that chapter, Ricks worries about the increasing politicization of individual Marine and military officers, taking as his benchmark a mythical past in which US military officers were strictly apolitical, not even voting. The benchmark, the myth, studiously ignores the real history, which saw the former Commanding General of the U.S. Army George McClellan candidacy against his former Commander-in-Chief Lincoln in 1864, General Douglas MacArthur flirt with a run for President in 1952; the cigar-chomping, fire-bombing, warmongering General Curtis Lemay's run for Vice-President in 1968; and the similar role of Admiral James Stockdale in 1992.

Making the Corps is well-written, and Ricks had almost astonishing access to the boot camp experience. A very good effort for his first book-length essay. But in the end, this is descriptive, not analytical or incisive, and it remains a curio for the curious, easily laid aside and forgotten.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

SCOTUS Risks Making Itself Irrelevant

The recent SCOTUS case arising out of the news Texas law is broader than the narrow if dreadfully important prohibition imposed by that law.

Roberts alludes to the central problem: The US Supreme Court (and its subordinate Federal courts) is nowhere explicitly authorized or directed to perform judicial review, and no US court is explicitly tasked with protecting the human rights of an individual. Judicial review, a court reviewing a law to see that it does not contravene the US Constitution, was assumed by SCOTUS in the case of Marbury v Madison (1803), on the basis of a fairly weak foundation. The 14th Amendment, the basis of so many rights advanced by SCOTUS starting in the 1950s, does not assign enforcement of its terms to any body whatsoever.
Consequently, SCOTUS has literally been all over the map on enforcement of the 14th Amendment, and the constitutional vagueness on the protection of human rights allowed the creation of "Originalism" in the 1980s to undermine those rights. There was a reason Bork was "Borked" and kept off the highest bench. But in the intervening 35 years, the defenders of human rights in this country did little to nothing to close that wide open gate, eroding Federal judicial review and allowing the return to these disUnited States where your rights depend on where you live.
Note: Judicial review and the duty of courts to protect human rights ARE explicitly enshrined in newer constitutions, such as that of Montenegro (2007, see Article 149), and the relevant treaties of the European Union .

Sunday, May 9, 2021

The Big Lie

Jefferson Davis was captured this day, May 10, in 1865, a day after President Johnson declared an end to combat (and the confederacy). While already in 1866 the US House had voted overwhelmingly to indict Davis for treason, he was not so indicted until March 1868: after Davis had already bailed out and moved to Canada. Davis' lawyers argued the 14th Amendment, barring him from office for "insurrection or rebellion," meant that a new trial for treason was double jeopardy (!). Davis was included in the general pardon of December 1868. [The Federal prosecutor who wrote Davis' indictment merely substituted Davis' name for Burr's on Burr's 1807 treason indictment.]

A fervent racist, by 1873 Davis was a leading proponent of "The Lost Cause" and proclaimed that southerners were "cheated not conquered."

Monday, April 26, 2021

Full of it:

The RWNJs are running with a bogus story from the Daily Mail (UK) claiming that some plan from President Biden would mandate a 90% cut in red meat consumption, to about four pounds per person per annum.

DJTJ responded with "a hard NO," saying he "ate about four pounds of red meat yesterday." Well, we knew he is full of sh*t - and now we know why. (Red meat is leading cause of constipation.)

False Privacy:

"House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) repeatedly dodged Fox News anchor Chris Wallace’s pointed questions on Sunday about the top Republican’s Jan. 6 call with former President Donald Trump, insisting his conversations with the former president are a personal and private matter." - Daily Beast
Really? In the midst of an attack on the Capitol, you were having a "personal and private" conversation with the President*? Discussing your kids' birthday parties, no doubt. If a politician insists on privacy, they can go back to what is often called "private life" - leave office.

Friday, April 23, 2021


“Along these lines, here is a nice breakfast story: Earlier in the fall, the journalist Kingsley Martin visited the massive Tilbury shelter in the East End, a margarine warehouse that nightly drew up to fourteen thousand people … [who] paid little attention to sanitation []. 'They urinate and defecate in every part of the building. The process is helped by the convenience of the margarine in cardboard cases which can be piled up into useful mounds behind which people can dig themselves in and sleep and defecate and urinate in comfort.' He did not know whether this margarine had then been distributed to food markets in the city [].” The Splendid and The Vile: A Saga of Churchill, Family, and Defiance During the Blitz, Erik Larson, p. 533.

Monday, April 19, 2021


In the early 1990s I was checking out at a Best Buy in Uptown Minneapolis. A distinguished older gentleman was ahead of me, wanted to pay by check. Cashier asked to see ID as the assistant manager rushes over, "Don't do that!" The gentleman laughs softly, pulls out his driver's license, the cashier make a note on the check. The man takes back his license, picks up his purchase and leaves.

Assistant manager to cashier: "Don't you know who that was?" Cashier, looking at check: "Walter Mondale. Why, who's that?"


A large number – hundreds – of highly-motivated individuals – activists – are upset at recent and pending legal decisions. They gather outside government buildings which are protected by police, the police being augmented by reserves and potentially reinforced by National Guard soldiers. The buildings are surrounded by a fence, demarcating a line beyond which demonstrators are not permitted. Some of the activists equip themselves with shields, helmets, and other defensive gear to protect against the expected use of non-lethal weapons by the police; some of the activists also carry improvised weapons such as poles or bricks, to be used against police and other security forces. Early hours of the rally can be described as peaceful, but the rallies do not end without the fence line being breached, police and security forces assaulted, non-lethal weapons notably tear gas employed, and activists detained and arrested, generally on misdemeanor charges. Some individuals when detained claim to be journalists and entitled to heightened protection under the First Amendment. It is alleged that police used excessive force in attempting to repel trespassers. Deployment of National Guard forces draws assertions that the Guard constitutes military occupation. Others are upset by the use of nearby non-government property by the Guard in connection with its deployment. Some national politicians, on highly partisan lines, support the activists. Some of the activists are additionally motivated by a distinct anti-police and occassionally anti-government bias.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

 2024 / 1933 / 1865 / 1389

There is a lot of talk (already!) about the Presidential election in 2024. One argument is that The Former Guy can't be successful in running for the GOP nomination because he is just all about 2020. Well, yeah. Dwelling on past "injustices" is always a losing strategy. See Germany in 1933, the American South since 1865, and Serbia ever since 1389. 

Saturday, April 17, 2021


Faced with challenges of equity, education and safety, the politicians and activists responded with slogans, bike lanes and "density." The last of course courtesy of the developers; within whose pockets the pols reside.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

 On This Day in History - April 14

On April 14, 1912, the RMS Titanic hit an iceberg at nearly full speed, despite being warned SIX times that there was sea ice. Flaws in the ship's design meant it sank in less than three hours. The chairman of the company that built Titanic had fifty years experience, and had been chairman for 17 years. The chief naval architect (who drowned on the Titanic) was a “genius” with 23 years experience, five years heading the drafting department. The designer of the Titanic's safety systems, which proved wholly inadequate, had forty years experience. The Titanic's captain had 45 years experience, 25 in command of ships, eight years as captain of the world's largest passenger liners.

On April 14, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln was shot while attending a play at Ford's Theater in Washington D.C. While Lincoln was usually attended and guarded by three men, none were present to bar entrance to the President's box to assassin John Wilkes Booth; the policeman who was supposed to be on duty was drinking in a tavern. A US Army surgeon immediately rushed to Lincoln's side; neither he nor an additional six medical doctors (including the US Surgeon General) were able to save Lincoln.

Friday, April 9, 2021

What We Have Here is a Failure to … Negotiate

My feeds are full of items from activists advocating for various goals, from electoral reform, vaccine “equity,” legal marijuana, police reform, environmental protection, and so on. Most all of them are variations on the line of “This is THE RIGHT THING TO DO” and pretty much stop there. Since most of them are just asking for money from people who already side with them, that's ok. As far as it goes. But then they take that same stance into enunciating the policy into real-world results... and wonder why they stall out miserably.

Let's back up and look at their pitch: equity, justice, reform … THE RIGHT THING TO DO. But no one – NO ONE – thinks they're the bad guys. If you don't think you're the bad guy, you probably think you are already doing the right thing. If the “other side” really wants you to change your position, they have to do (at least) one of two things: convince you are in the wrong, or make it worth your while to accept their proposal.

Can the other side be convinced they're wrong? Maybe. But there is a reason why this is also know as the “Road to Damascus” moment, a miraculous occurrence: it's awfully rare, and takes the equivalent of divine intervention. I exaggerate, somewhat, for effect. You have countervailing examples: Secretary of Defense Perry, formerly in charge of the US nuclear weapons arsenal, who ten years after he left office joined with former Secretaries of State Shultz (RIP) and Kissinger, and former Senator Nunn to call for the US to take the lead in reducing and abolishing those weapons.* The four became convinced that under the changed circumstances of the end of the Cold War, only a radical change in the US stance could enhance American and global safety and security. But many Americans and much of the US Senate is stuck in the past.

Some (many?) will object to the other route - make it worth while to accept the proposal. That's … “compromise.”
Even defines that as “to jeopardize,” and “to make a dishonorable or shameful concession.” The urban dictionary has in second place In marriage – an amiable arrangment between husband and wife whereby they agree to let her have her own way.” In fourth: “compromise is when nobody gets what they wanted.” Sixth: An agreement between two or more political parties in which one attempts to be reasonable and the other agrees to whine until they get everything they want under the pretense that the other party or parties are not, in fact compromising.”

Let's skip over those to the top-rated entry at “A beautiful way to solve the issues and problems through straight-forward conversation.”

How can we use that definition to reach sufficient consensus to adopt policy recommendations so as to change the real world around us? Oddly enough, the answer is in the self-same social media channels. But not the messages from advocates; rather, let's look at the ones trying to literally sell us something, asking us to exchange our cash for what they have on offer. They are trying to make it worth our while - to send in our money – for what they want to sell. There's no good guys, no bad guys – just: we each have something the other wants.

Compromise can be tricky; largely if the compromise is seen as the final say in a matter, or is overbroad and unbalanced. Cf. Misssouri Compromise of 1820, or the 1876 Rutherford-Tilden Presidential election and the Compromise of 1877. Or, for you nuclear disarmament fans, the Partial (or Limited) Test Ban Treaty of 1963, whose follow-up, the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (adopted 1996) has never come into force.

All of this is complicated right now in American politics by idiotic no compromise stances taken by both parties, but particularly that initiated by Mitch McConnell after the 2008 election. It is not helped by the likes of Senator Gillibrand, who voted against almost every nominee in the prior Administration – apparently just to have a talking point in her (brutally) unsuccessful 2020 Presidential campaign.

To end on a high note: Two examples of succesful compromise in action. In 1990, coal was used to generate 307 million kilowatts of electricity in the US, 42% of total production. In 2020, coal was down 30% to 218 million kilowatts, less than 20% of total production. In 1990, renewables (mainly hydro- ) generated 106 million kilowatts, more than doubling in 2020 to 284 million kilowatts, with almost all the increase in solar and wind. Where's the compromise? Solar and wind greatly benefited from federal (and state) tax incentives, incentives renewed by bipartisan compromise in the December 2020 COVID relief bill. And one I had a hand in: In 2006, the Government of Montenegro called for a referendum on independence from Serbia. Initially, the conditions for the referendum to be valid were unclear, as to the question to be asked, the margin of victory needed to seceed, and other related issues. Indepedence supporters wanted a threshold of 40%; State Unionists advocated 66.67%. A compromise threshold of 55% “Yes” to seceed was proposed by interested members of the International Community, a position accepted unanimously by Montenegro's Parliament – even though many MPs and their parties opposed dissolution of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro. The 55.5% “Yes” vote was accepted by ALL concerned. A successful compromise.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

 First rainstorm of the season late last night. A renewal of the senses: the flash of lightning, the rumble and crash of thunder, the light scent of ozone, the pitter-patter of rain, the puff of a breeze through the open window. The storm made a lingering departure, as a few last peals of thunder rang out like a house guest reluctant to leave the party.

 On this day in history, April 6, 1945, my father's ship, the SS Pierre Victory, arrived at Kerama Retto, an anchorage of small islets some 15 miles (25 kilometers) west of Okinawa. The ship carried some 7000 tons of ammunition for the US forces that had just invaded Okinawa. Almost immediately, Japanese kamikaze planes attacked, sinking two other Victory ships and a smaller LST.

The Pierre Victory survived weeks of attacks as she was gradually unloaded - running out of ammo for her own guns before emptying her holds of ammuntion for the guns ashore.
Dad returned to the States, marrying his high school sweetheart - my mom - in June 1945.
Below: LST-447 explodes after being hit by a kamikaze, April 6, 1945.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Explaining Police Killings The Twin Cities (Minneapolis- St Paul) and Jamaica have almost the same population (2.9 million to 2.7 million). Jamaica saw 83 killings by security forces (mainly cops) in 2020. That's down from 135 annually, ever year in the 1990s. Jamaica, including its security forces, is 92% "Afro-Jamaican", less than 0.4% white. The current Prime Minister's party has its roots in Fabianism - democratic socialism. The previous PM's party is social democratic, and had close ties to Fidel's Cuba. No other party than these two has held power since independence in 1962. Take from this what you will.

Friday, April 2, 2021

 Vaccines and Faux Outrage

Outrage #1: “Are 'they' going to demand I have a vaccine passport to vote?”

Let's see: Like wearing a mask and staying home when you are sick, the COVID-19 vaccine is largely about protecting others and controlling the spread of a highly contagious disease, in contrast to the tetanus vaccine, which is entirely about protecting the recipient. So, getting the COVID-19 vaccine says you care about others, not just yourself. John Stuart Mills, not Ayn Rand. Altruistic, not sociopathic. Frankly and personally speaking, I'd prefer society to be steered by the former, not the latter.

But ultimately, requiring a vaccine passport to vote is voter suppression, and I oppose voter suppression, or indeed any artifical barrier to the ballot box. Can I ask a favor though of those who will not vaccinate: Stay home and Vote by Mail.

Outrage #2: “Why are 'they' opposed to voter ID when I had to show ID to get vaccinated?”

Generally, I dislike arguing from anecdote, but it is a valid approach in this case. I got my first shot Tuesday. It worked almost EXACTLY the same as when I vote: I signed up online, stated my identity and my qualifications, swore electronically I was telling the truth. I then went to the facility to complete the interaction, provided my name and date of birth, and completed the interaction. At no time did I actually provide state-issued identification. (I note that I lying on my voter registration and upon getting my ballot would have both been felonies, with hefty jail sentences and fines possible. Lying in connection to the vaccine would only have disqualified that application.)

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

IMHO, I think the adoption of the Second Amendment has to be read in the context of a) no standing Federal army; b) Shay's Rebellion (1786); c) slave revolts such as the 1739 Stono Rebellion; and d) the 1772 Gaspee Affair together with 1775 Lexington and Concord. And all the surrounding myths then, later, and now.

Whether any of that history and myth should be controlling today is another matter.

Friday, March 26, 2021

On a public health level, vaccines are not about protecting an individual, but about protecting society. But you can't sell that to a highly individualistic society like the US, especially to a certain wing/faction of that society. Unfortunately.

Throw in politicians desperately trying to turn off the bad news coming out of long-term care facilities, and you get vaccination programs aimed at halting bad news, not at ending the pandemic. The latter would focus shots on disease vectors, not on subjects with comorbidities whose illnesses more often turn fatal - and into bad numbers.

 A few Modest Proposals:

US Senate stays at two Senators per state. Votes in the US Senate are weighted by state population. Call it the "US Senate Weighted Vote - USSWV." John Barrasso and Cynthia Lummis each get one USSWV, as they're from Wyoming. Bernie Sanders gets 1.1 USSWV. Dianne Feinstein and Alex Padilla get 66.1 USSWV each. There are (about) 1093 USSWV; laws pass with a majority of USSWV.
Let politicians draw any odd shape they want for electoral districts, as long as they have uniform populations. If the GOP or Democratic candidate wins with more than 2/3 of the votes cast, they are disqualified and the candidate with the second-highest vote total is elected.
Juries are more or less randomly selected from qualified citizens to determine the outcome of some of the weighiest issues placed before the commonwealth. Let's pick legislators the same way.
Spouses are barred from running for offices previously held by the other spouse.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Book Review: The Longest Winter: The Battle of the Bulge and the Epic Story of World War II's Most Decorated Platoon (Hardcover) by Alex Kershaw

When Kershaw is relating the stories of the members of the I&R platoon (Intelligence and Recon (scout) 394th Infantry regiment, 99th Division, US Army) , drawing on his personal interviews with the veterans, the book is pretty good. At that point, it is a compelling story of men under fire and duress. When he is setting the larger context, drawing on secondary sources, the story is trite and filled with niggling errors.
I also disliked the amount of attention given to Skorzeny and SS Col. Peiper. In particular, Kershaw imples that Peiper was unfairly targeted by "Communists" after the war. Here's the thing: a commanding officer is responsible for the behavior of ALL the troops under his command. It does not matter if Peiper was not personally present at the Malmedy Massacre, or that he did not order the killings of POWs. When atrocities occured, it was Peiper's responsibility to punish those of his subordinates who transgressed. Op. cit. Jadranko Prlić, Rasim Delić, Atif Dudaković, Sakib Mahmuljin - all convicted of war crimes during the Bosnian War (1992-5) for their failure to adequately supervise troops under their command. And Prlić was a politician, not an army commander in the field. (I also met all four after the war.) [N.b.: Dudaković has been charged; he has not been tried as of this writing.]

Saturday, March 20, 2021

 Posted (to FB) February 1:

Now that New START has been extended, good next largely unilateral* steps include:
1) Declarative moratorium on nuclear testing and prepare to submit the CTBT (Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty) to the Senate;
2) End deployment of and funding for new nuclear warhead designs;
3) End the triad by phasing out land-based ICBMs;
4) Declare a No First Use policy;
5) Declare like-for-like retalitory policy;
6) End "Launch on Warning" policy;
7) Withdraw tactical nuclear weapons from Europe (starting with Turkey!);
8) Re-enter the Open Skies Treaty (technically a conventional step);
9) Begin work on new Nuclear strategy (Nuclear Posture Review);
10) Eliminate (burn as fuel) fissile material from excess "retired" US warheads.
That's off the top of my head.

Thursday, March 18, 2021


Book Review: Behold, America: The Entangled History of “America First” and “The American Dream” by Sarah Churchwell

An Etymological Essay at Book Length

Churchwell's 2018 book looks at these two tropes, from their origins around 1900, the peak of “America First” in the speeches of isolationist Charles Lindbergh in 1941, to the proclaimed “death” of the American Dream and renewed promotion of “America First” in 2015 by the loser of the 2020 Presidential election. Churchwell examines these two terms through their use in public discourse throughout the 20
th century, focusing on their definition over time. She argues that “The American Dream” is the social contract, a moral economy, that balances liberty and freedom, equality and justice, but that its meaning has been diverted and perverted, especially since the Second World War, to mean the possibility of becoming exceedingly, excessively rich. That America and Americans have redefined Calvinism as “If you are rich, it is God rewarding you for your virtues” and making “The American Dream” synonymous with that redefined doctrine. On the other hand, “America First” and its close relative “100% American” = “100% white” – and Nordic or “Aryan”* white at that. (Lindbergh's public leadership of the “America First” campaign collapsed a few months before the attack on Pearl Harbor after he delivered an anti-Semitic speech in Des Moines.)

I rather liked the opening of Chapter 6, “America First 1920-1923: The Simplicity of Government” which opens with the tale of President Harding, who in “his 1920 'America first' campaign,[] notoriously announced that 'government is a very simple thing,'” further “promising to run the American government like a business.” Now, where have we heard
that lately?

Churchwell reminds us of the lasting value of the works of Sinclair Lewis, Walter Lippman, and Dorothy Thompson. All were pronounced anti-Fascists, and their observations hold true today as applied to the heirs of the reactionary “100% American” & “America First” legacies.

* “Aryan” was a term applied to themselves by ancient Indo-Iranian peoples. Somehow I am not surprised that its misapplication as a synonym for “Nordic” was popularized by a graduate of the University of Geneva (who was born in England, raised in France, and settled in Germany), whose B.Sc. thesis was shown to be mystical nonsense.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Book Review:  Imperialism: A Study ... is the iconoclastic 1902 work from British economist J.A. Hobson. Today it is more generally known for having inspired Vladimir Lenin to write his 1916 treatise, Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism. Secondarily, Hobson advanced his theory that the British investor class had "oversaved," with domestic production outstripping domestic consumption, in consequence thereof leading the investors to seek investment opportunities overseas: first in Europe and from 1870 onward in Africa and Asia - the "tropics". A Socialist, Hobson argued that the funds should have been directed homeward by increasing the income placed at the disposition and advantage of the working classes, thereby increasing domestic consumption to match production.

An exhaustive (and exhausting) reading of the text reveals a persistent shadowed motivation: British investment overseas will empower the "black" and "yellow" races, literally imperilling "white civilization." While Hobson is rightfully criticized for anti-Semitism in his earlier book on the Boer War (UK vs ethnic Dutch settlers in South Africa, 1899-1901), blaming the war on "Jewish financiers," such blatant anti-Semitism is missing from "Imperialism." It is beyond curious that modern reviewers of Imperialism so blithely skate past the racism that persists throughout the text.
Hobson supports "colonisation" as opposed to imperialism, which he sees as white families settling in temperate climes - without regard for extant aborginal society and culture.
Hobson's analysis of British imperialism - that is to say, abusive exploitation - of Africa is extensive, cogent and well-supported by citations. (Part II, Chapter IV - "Imperialism and the Lower Races.") Not so the following Chapter on "Imperialism in Asia," which is painted on a phantasmagorical background of an innately corrupt India and a peaceful, wise and complacent China robbed of its innocence and riches by European buccaneers.
Hobson has both an eye and a pen for a good turn of phrase.
Pithy metaphor:
"A coma accompanied by fits." Miss Mary Kingsley on British policy in the West African colonies. p. 128
Insouciant nationalism:
"Probably every one would agree that an Englishman would be right in considering his way of looking at the world and at life better than that of the Maori or Hottentot, and no one will object in the abstract to England doing her best to impose her better and higher view on those savages." (Goes on to accord Belgians, Germans, Nordics the same lack of disrespect, if at a higher step.) Earl Grey on Hubert Harvey of the British South African Chartered Company, p. 167
Outrageous sanctimony:
"Our only programme is that of the moral and material regeneration of the country." King Leopold II of Belgium, referencing the Congo. p. 209
{I cannot praise too highly King Leopold's Ghost by Adam Hochschild in refutation of this hypocrisy.}
Damnation of Populism:
They are no longer seriously frightened by the power of the people as implied by a popular franchise, nor are they prepared to conciliate it by further taxes on property; .... 'Panem et circenses' interpreted into English means cheap booze and Mafficking (Mafeking, Siege of: ed.). Popular education, instead of serving as a defence, is an incitement towards Imperialism; it has opened up a panorama of vulgar pride and crude sensationalism to a great inert mass who see current history and the tangled maze of world movements with dim, bewildered eyes, and are the inevitable dupes of the able organised interests who can lure, or scare, or drive them into any convenient course. p. 107
Fake News:
Imperialism is based upon a persistent misrepresentation of facts and forces chiefly through a most refined process of selection, exaggeration, and attenuation, directed by interested cliques and persons so as to distort the face of history. The gravest peril of Imperialism lies in the state of mind of a nation which has become habituated to this deception and which has rendered itself incapable of self-criticism. p. 223
"[China] may turn upon her civiliser [.] .... [T]here is no consideration, theoretic or practical, to prevent British capital from transferring itself to China, provided it can find there a cheaper or more efficient supply of labour, or even to prevent Chinese capital with Chinese labour from ousting Britsh produce [.] ....
China might so turn the tables upon the Western industrial nations, and, either by adopting their capital and organisers or, as is more probable, by substituting her own, might flood their markets with her cheaper manufacturers, and refusing their imports in exchange might take her payments in liens upon their capital, reversing the earlier process of investment until she gradually obtained financial control over her quondam patrons and civilisers. This is no idle speculation." pp 329-330
And Condemnation of the "Upper" Class:
" ... vulgar ostentation, domineering demeanour and corrupting largesse to dazzle and degrade the life of our people." p. 158

 Book Review All Against All: The Long Winter of 1933 and the Origins of the Second World War by Paul Jankowski

I'll agree that this is "A narrative [ ], cinematic in scope, of a process." But a history it is not. A proper history is analytical - why and not just what happened. "Delusions of nationalism" is an assertion, not analysis. Overall, the text is merely descriptive, no more so than when he devotes a paragraph to actress Jeanette MacDonald's impression of the appearance of German delegate (and rabid nationalist) Alfred Hugenberg at the 1933 London World Economic Conference.
The narrative itself is crippled by the author's style, which employs a muddled grammar (notably far too many indefinite referents) and odd metaphors that leaves a turgid account, one that had me reading the same sentence or paragraph over and over again until I finally fished out his meaning - or, too often, gave up and moved on.
His discussions of diplomacy are ill-founded. He asserts that the 1922 Washington Naval Treaty, a backdrop to the disarmament discussions a decade later in Geneva, resulted from an aspirational verging on delusional attachment to disarmament, and necessitated the concurrent agreement guaranteeing security in China. At no point does the author note that no naval power of the time could afford the fleets they had in being and far less the extravagant armadas being built, that naval disarmament was an economic imperative.
As with understanding of diplomatic motivations, his discussion of diplomatic process is lacking. On the World Economic Conference of 1933, Jankowski states that FDR “never sought authority” from Congress to discuss war debts and tariffs. That's not how it works: the US Executive does not need “Congressional Authority” to discuss an issue, or even enter into negotiations. Congress is involved if the resulting agreement requires legislation to implement, or takes the form of a treaty require Senate consent. Even here, the author later restates the obstacle as instructions to the US delegation to not “sign” agreements without "congressional scrutiny.” And indeed, the author turns to discussions led by the UK and US central banks, in which participated seven other countries, which did reach an agreement including from the US delegation for referral to capitals.
Not worthless, but not worth the time it took to read. It's certainly not The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914 by Christopher Clark.

 Elections - from 19Nov20:

This year, I was assistant head election judge in five (!) elections – two special (bye-) elections to fill a State house vacancy, the Presidential primary, the general primary, and the general November election. For each, I was asked to be in charge of hourly audits and the ballot tally. So what are those, and why do they exist?

Ballot tally
Obviously, we want to guard against counterfeit and unofficial ballots being stuffed into the ballot box. (We use an electronic scanner called a tabulator that scans each ballot, stores a scan of each ballot, and records and automatically counts each vote, but the ballot tally requirement – and the idea of stuffing a ballot box – predates such machinery.) Each precinct is issued a number of ballots appropriate to that location, which are delivered in a locked container – nowadays, the ballot storage area of the tabulator. The morning of the poll, the container is unlocked in view of two election judges/poll workers (hereafter “judges”), and the ballot transport boxes opened. Inside is a set number of ballots – usually twice as many ballots as expected voters. In November, that was 1600, two boxes each with 800 ballots. The ballots are shrink-wrapped in packs of, nominally, 100. As needed, two judges open and count each pack – about 10% of the time, there are 99 or 101 ballots. Both judges initial the ballots. Each voter gets one ballot – unless they make a mistake, in which case they can get a new ballot, in exchange for the old, which is then “spoiled.” At the end of the polling day, the ballots are tallied. Each still unopened pack is counted as 100, to which is added the number of cast ballots (remember the tabulator machine has been counting cast ballots all day – the current number is publicly displayed on each machine, and two judges verified the number was “0” before the polls opened), and the number of spoiled ballots, which have been placed in a specially marked envelope, to be sealed and returned to the city election office. That number should equal the number issued, as adjusted for packs with excess or insufficient ballots. It usually does, unless a voter was able to walk off with their ballot from the polling place, rather than cast it into the machine.
That's the easy count.
Voter receipt audits
Each voter, once they have signed the (now electronic) poll book, is given a ballot receipt, which they take to the ballot judge(s). The judge takes the receipt from them, numbers it sequentially, and gives them a ballot. Every hour, the AHEJ (me!) records the current highest sequential ballot receipt number and compares it to the “public count” on the tabulator – remember that machine has been counting the number of cast ballots all day. The receipt number should (must) match the number of the public count when that count is added to the number of voters still filling out their ballots at the moment the public count is read. For example, the receipt number is 137, the public count is 134, and three voters are filling out ballots. So in this case we're good - the numbers balance. It can be tricky determining how many voters are filling out ballots – not everyone at the booths is voting – some are assisting voters, some are judges. And in our combined precincts (we had two precincts in one space in August and November, as the physical space formerly allocated to one of the precincts was too small to permit social distancing), we had to figure out if a voter was from Ward 1 or Ward 2.
The number is not infrequently off when the initial audit concludes. Usually what has happened is that a ballot judge has misnumbered a receipt - “238” instead of “237” - skipping a number; or “238” instead of “239” - repeating a number. The AHEJ renumbers, by hand, ALL the misnumbered receipts – anywhere from say 6 to 90 slips of paper, depending on when the error occurred and how busy it is. If the numbers stubbornly remain off, we have to call the city election office and let them know, and what we did to try and fix the error. It is also logged into an incident log.
In the special primary, our penultimate voter got upset that there were no Republicans on the ballot – none had filed for the office. Very upset. He tore the ballot into little pieces, and threw them in and around the trash can. If we left it there, it would affect both audits. So clipped the pieces together and put them into the spoiled ballot envelope. But, since one more ballot was issued than was cast, our voter receipt audit was unalterably off. We noted it in the log. And even though we would be physically at the city election office in a half-hour, we called it in, too.
So, what a county canvassing board is supposed to do is NOT ensure that there are no discrepancies in the audits and tallies. Those are going to happen. Nor reject all the ballots from an area if the discrepancies strike them as “too high.” Instead the canvass board is to ascertain the number of votes polled; this is a purely “ministerial” duty, with no exercise of judgment required or indeed permitted.
See, e.g., opinion of Washington State Attorney General, AGO 49-51 No. 385.
If a candidate believes the discrepancies indicate an intolerable situation, it is up to the candidate (NOT a member of the canvassing board) to ask for judicial review, and it up to the judge (NOT a member of the canvassing board) to resolve the dispute.

From 26Feb21:  A lot of folks are acting upset that VP Harris is talking with world leaders. 1) That's a routine role for VPs, beginning with VP Nixon under Ike. 2) The VP is a statutory member of the National Security Council. 3) I do wonder whether the same folks getting upset now expressed their annoyance when unelected (and frankly unqualified) Presidential Advisors, not members of the NSC, took the same role. [Yes, Ivanka and Jared, notably.]

I wonder if those folks would be upset to learn that I represented the United States in a key meeting with the President of Montenegro...

As the snow melts from the roads in Minneapolis, I think back on my bicycle commute in DC: home, then in order past: CostCo, DEA HQ, Pentagon, National 9-11 Pentagon Memorial (pace MTG), Pentagon helipad, Arlington Cemetery, through Lady Bird Johnson Park, over Arlington Memorial Bridge, around the south side of the Lincoln Memorial, past Lincoln's gaze next to the Reflecting Pool (yes, the Official bike path runs right through the tourists), skirt the Vietnam Wall, a wave to Albert Einstein's statute hidden in the copse near the National Academy of Sciences, lock my bike, in through the “Joggers' Entrance” of the Harry S Truman building, and in to my office, a quick peak out through the blinds at the Washington Monument before settling into work.


Forlorn Hopes, Lost Causes, Bitter Enders, and Gotterdammerung: The Romance of Pointless Defiance

Throughout history – or at least in the tales white European men tell themselves (which until recently was the same thing), there reoccurs stories of defiance, to be lauded and held up as an example of how to act. Often, a dispassionate review shows what happened (or was attempted) to be pointless: nothing was gained, much was lost to no advantage to anyone.

Forlorn Hope

Technically, a Forlorn Hope is a near-suicidal attack, ordered when more conventional approaches have failed, in the hope that the Forlorn Hope will make an overall victory possible, From the Dutch “Verloren Hoop” or Lost Troop. Colloquially, it is used in American English as a synonym for Last Stand. Compare with the word “Awful”, which
should be the superlative for awesome, but has come to mean its opposite.

In 1861, France, the UK, and Spain decided that Mexico's unilateral two-year moratorium on paying interest on the state debt could and should be lifted – at the point of a bayonet or two. The UK and Spain left with their money, the French decided to expand the empire (thus,
“Amerique latine or Latin America” a term devised in Colombia in 1856 but popularised by Napoleon III). This ultimately did not turn out so well for Emperor Napoleon III of France – and quite badly for erstwhile Archduke Maximilian of Austria: shot for his troubles (and posing as Emperor of Mexico) when the French were forced out in 1867. But I am getting ahead of my story. So, May 5, 1862 – nope, too far back. Keep this up, and I may sink my readers' interest.

On April 30, 1863, 65 Legionaires of the French Foreign Legion were sent to reinforce the escort of a convoy, itself in support of the French siege of the Mexican stronghold of Puebla, on the way to the capital of Mexico City. The Legionaires found themselves cut off by a stronger force – which kept getting bigger: 250, 600, 1400; by the end more than 3000. French Captain Danjou, surrounded, had his men swear – on Danjou's prosthetic hand! - to fight to the death rather than surrender, in (supposed) imitation of Napoleon's Guard at Waterloo. The Mexicans offered to let the French surrender. Non! Said Danjou, quickly meeting his own death. More Mexicans arrived; another offer to the hungry, thirsty Legionaires.
Merde! Exclaimed the remaining sergeant. Late in the afternoon, the Mexicans again offered surrender, now to the last 12 men on their feet. Again no. Out of ammo, the last five (or six) fixed bayonets and charged. Then the final three at last surrendered. The Legionaires had, truly, “fought like demons.” and Danjou's hand is a central relic for the Legion to this day.

Glory without end. But to what effect? The French had early on halted the convoy when they saw the large interposing Mexican force. And ran the convoy through to the siege in prompt order over the next few days. The Legionaires taken prisoner were treated well, and exchanged to the French on Bastille Day, 14 July 1863. Puebla, then Mexico City, fell to the French. But by the end of 1866, France had withdrawn most of its troops, pressured by the United States that had won its own Civil War. Mid-May 1867 Mexico City was retaken by Mexican forces, Maximilian captured, court-martialed and shot on 19 June, a few days short of his 35
th birthday; and thousands of miles from his birthplace in Schloss Schönbrunn in Vienna. The Legionaires's sacrifice was glorious – but operationally pointless. The Legionaires had fought – and died – for Glory and Honor. Nothing less. And nothing more.

Lost Causes

Ah, The Lost Cause! The South Will Rise Again! No, not The Lost Cause. A lost cause. Partly because The Lost Cause is too well known. But mainly because pursuit of The Lost Cause hasn't been anywhere near as futile as one could hope, and certainly doesn't rank as pointless defiance.

Real lost causes did arise in the decades after
Camarón. (I forgot to mention that, didn't I? The pointless encounter in 1863 is known as the Battle of Camarón, after the small town near Vera Cruz where it took place.) One such lost cause is The War of the Triple Alliance, or Paraguayan War, (1864-1870) begun by Paraguay against Brazil. Then Argentina and Uruguay weighed in – against Paraguay. While the weight of military force was slightly to Paraguay's advantage to start, in a long war, its isolated position and demographic inferiority led it to doom. Paraguay lost up to 1/3 of its territory, 1/2 or more of its population and nearly every adult male. Arguably, it has yet to recover.

Then there are Queen Victoria's Little Wars, in Africa, Asia, Canada (!), as small numbers of heavily armed soldiers wrack ruin and conquest in service of Her Majesty, glory, empire, and extension of Rudyard Kipling's “White Man's Burden” - that of “civilization” and “Christianity.” Result was – well, two good movies: “Zulu” (the 1964 one) and “The Man Who Would be King” (1975).

These are lost causes. However, pointless and defiant don't really describe these lost causes.

But the Fenian Raids? Defiant? Check. Pointless? Check.

From 1845 to 1849, the Great Famine ravaged Ireland. Greedy English landlords, backed by the heartless government in London, allowed 1 million to starve to death, while another million fled abroad: to Canada, Australia, Mexico (!). And the United States, on both sides of the Mason-Dixon Line. After the Civil War, thousands of Irish men had military training, weapons, a bit of money, time, and national pride in their Irish homeland. Also a persistent grievance against the English.

Ireland remained an ocean away, strongly occupied by professional soldiers who were demonstrably capable of resisting uprising (1798), rebellion (1803, 1848) and planned insurrection (1865). But Canada? It – actually they (Canada was not a unified colony in 1865) – was near by; just across the border. And heck, the Americans almost took it. Twice (1775, 1812).

Not that the Irish in America
wanted Canada. Nah. They'd take it – or at least key points and infrastructure – and TRADE it back to the English for Ireland.

The Fenians began this well thought out campaign in April 1866 with an attack on Campo Bello (now Campobello) New Brunswick. First assembling their men across the narrow strait in Maine … well, that's where it stopped. The British could see what the Fenians were up to and preempted the attack by moving 700 regular soldiers and warships over from Halifax.

In June 1866, the Fenians launched two raids, and this time both successfully got across the border. With the warship USS Michigan disabled by Fenian sympathisizers, something over 1000 Fenians crossed the Niagara River west from Buffalo toward Fort Erie. The next moming, they ambushed a large force of Canadian militia, inflicting numerous casualties and taking prisoners. But with the Michigan back in operation, cutting the Fenains off from supply and reinforcement, and British regulars and more Canadian militia approaching, the Fenians crossed back into the U.S. where they surrendered. U.S. President Andrew Johnson called the Fenians “evil-disposed persons” and said their actions were illegal under American and international law.

Which didn't stop the next raid, the day after Johnson's proclamation. This time just under 1000 Fenians set from St Albans Vermont and briefly took four Canadian villages before being chased off by Canadian cavalry. (To be fair, in 1864 a raid the other direction by Confederates who had escaped from Union POW camps robbed three banks in the selfsame St Albans, making off with at least $88,000 (about $1.5 million today).)

American public opinion favored the Fenians, and they were released and got their weapons back under executive orders signed by Johnson ahead of the November Congressional elections.

Raids resumed in 1870, two in late May. At Eccles Hill, essentially ON the Vermont-Canada border, a brief skirmish quickly dispersed the Fenians. Two days later and some miles west, another force of Fenians is fired upon by Canadian troops and “redeploy” back into New York, where their leader John O'Neill is promptly arrested by the US Marshal.

And one more – my favorite! O'Neill, recently released from prison after a pardon from President Grant, travels to St. Paul Minnesota (!) to plan a raid on Winnipeg. On October 5, 1871 he and three dozen Fenians capture the Hudson's Bay Company post in Pembina. Those of you who know your North Dakota-Manitoba geography well, or have just travelled by car between Winnipeg and St Paul, may be scratching your heads. Yes, Pembina is and was in North Dakota. In the United States.

At this point the Fenians in the United States decided these raids were a little worse than pointless, and started sending money to the Irish in Ireland – and England. Which while no longer pointless did lead to much violence and bloodshed. Another unified and ultimately independent country can however trace its origins to the Fenians raids. The Dominion of Canada began the unification of Canada on 1 July 1867, at least in part in response to the 1866 raids.

Bitter Enders

So, the 19
th Century Pax Brittanica was a facade in Canada. But surely elsewhere it held? The flag never sets on the British Empire and all that? Even before the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo, Britain had “gone abroad in search of monsters to destroy” in the words of US Secretary of State John Quincy Adams. From 1815 to 1902, Britain was almost constantly at war, but rarely against anyone of white European stock. To the dismay of its settlers, the British made an exception of the Cape Colony in South Africa. A brief Boer (Dutch: “farmer”) rebellion in 1815, described by a partisan observer as "the most insane attempt ever made by a set of men to wage war against their sovereign" was brutually crushed. What followed was almost ninety years of a lethal Mad Hatter's Party, as the British repression and dislike of the Boers resulted in them moving further and further inland. For the Boers, this was the Great Trek. (For English speakers, we picked up a new word.) A partial status vivendi was reached in 1881, when the British lost the three-month-long First Boer War. Then, most unfortunately for the Boers, they found .. GOLD! “Outlanders” - mainly Brits – flooded into Boer lands. In October 1899, the Boers demanded that the Brits leave them alone. British sentiment was led by the likes of Cecil Rhodes (he of Rhodesia and the Rhodes Scholarship), who called for armed defense of “outlander” rights and better treatment for Black Africans (no, really).

The first phase of the war went badly for the British. Famously, Lord Baden-Powell was besieged in Mafeking, with only Sunday cricket matches (and concerts) for light entertainment until relieved, with His Lordship going on to create the Boy Scouts. (Nevermind he had been ordered to NOT defend in Mafeking.) Nonetheless, less than a year after the conflict started, the Boer capitals of Bloemfontein and Pretoria had fallen. The regular, stand-up war was over.

But the Bittereinders among the Boers did not give up, their commandos (another new word for English!) turning to guerilla warfare. (Guerilla was not a new word, arising in 1809 from the [Iberian] Penisular War of Wellington against Napoleonic France.) About half of the orignal Boer force stayed in the field as combatants. Those 25 thousand or so commandos were opposed by up to 500,000 British, Canadians, Australians, and New Zealanders.Twenty-to-one odds did not suffice, so the British commander ordered a scorched earth policy, destroying Boer settlements and driving the old men, women and children – and Black “servants” – into concentration camps. (TWO new phrases: scorched earth and concentration camps.) 6,189 Boer commandoes died in the field, along with over 22,000 Brits. Over 25,000 Boer women and 22,000 children under age 16 (about 20% of those detained) died, along with uncounted thousands of Black Africans. (See British war aims, above.)

Also decimated was the British budget: “defence” spending skyrocketed from 35 million pounds annually to 120 million – over 6% of GDP. Cheap compared to World War One, but four times what the UK spends today.

Not so much pointless defiance as a bitter end.


In April 1945, the Berlin Philharmonic played its last concerts in Nazi Germany. The musicians played the finale of Wagner's
Götterdämmerung , Brahms' German Requiem (requiem: to honor the dead), and Strauss' Death and Transfiguration. For any concert-goers who missed the point, Hitler Youth reportedly passed out cyanide pills.

Eight months earlier, another major European capital was about to fall to an approaching army: Paris. Or would it? In the 1960's there was published a book, followed by a movie, both with the title,
Is Paris Burning? - reportedly the words asked with no sense of ironic foreshadowing by Hitler on August 25, 1944 as French and American troops entered the City of Lights. We learned this first through the memoirs – indeed, apologia – of General Dietrich von Choltitz, the last German commander of Paris. There is solid documentary evidence that on the morning of August 23, Hitler had in fact ordered that “The Seine bridges will be prepared for demolition. Paris must not fall into the hands of the enemy except as a field of ruins.” Also known as the Trümmerfeld order. As recounted in the official US Army History Breakout and Pursuit, von Choltitz informed his superior headquarters later that same day:

that he had complied by placing three tons of explosive in the cathedral of Notre Dame, two tons in the Invalides, and one in the Palais Bourbon (the Chamber of Deputies), that he was ready to level the Arc de Triomphe to clear a field of fire, that he was prepared to destroy the Op
éra and the Madeleine, and that he was planning to dynamite the Tour Eiffel and use it as a wire entanglement to block the Seine. Incidentally, he advised Speidel, he found it impossible to destroy the seventy-odd bridges.

Von Choltitz was likely being sarcastic, as he had begun the phone call “by thanking Speidel for the lovely order from Hitler.” Nevertheless, in the days and weeks after the surrender of Paris, many (still intact) bridges and monuments did have to be demined. Von Choltitz's motivations are unclear. Hitler's are not: he wanted vengeance. In the same order that he required the destruction of Paris, he stressed the need to hold onto Paris as long as possible, to defend the sites in the Pas de Calais, the base for the V-1
“Vengeance” weapons being launched almost haphazardly against London. When von Choltitz surrendered Paris to the Allies nearly intact on August 25, Hitler struck at Paris. Immediately, 120 Luftwaffe bombers dropped incendiary bombs, killing at least 50 people. The first lethal V-2 missiles are targeted, not on London, but Paris, with 22 rockets fired between September 7 and October 6, largely striking in the suburbs to no military effect whatsoever.

Intriguingly, General Eisenhower and the Allied high command had not wanted to take Paris. They realized – as any of their professional opponents could also see – that the need to control, feed, and otherwise supply a major city and its civilian population would place a major strain on their logistics, and impair the pursuit and destruction of German armed forces before they could reach relative safety back in Germany. A “field of ruins” would have been a warcrime of pointless defiance.

Why this essay? Why now?

As part of my interest in history is my focus on military history, which inevitably leads to accounts of military disasters. Within that are the “what the heck” moments? Just how did the instigators of this monumental FUBAR think it was going to turn out? The classic FUBAR occurred almost 100 years before the first use of the word, with The Charge of the Light Brigade in the Crimean War. (1854)

To which poesied Tennyson:

Someone had blundered.

Theirs not to make reply,

Theirs not to reason why,

Theirs but to do and die.

And then there was the poster, way back in Spencer's Gifts, under the black lights (ultraviolet). A mouse gives the finger to an eagle swooping down it. “Defiance” is defined in words next to the depiction. Pretty cool poster when you're 16. But over the years, I've spared a thought or two for the poster. And concluded the mouse is an idiot. Not brave. Not even foolhardy. Just stupid. Not only by getting himself into a situation he can't escape. But by just standing there, finger out, not running, he is making the eagle's job just that much easier. A pointless gesture. Heck, even in “Animal House” the Deltas' “futile and stupid gesture” is more productive than this. And there, of course, is the rub: our culture, and notably American culture, has enthroned and enobled the “futile and stupid gesture”, made pointless defiance a virtue. When faced with a host of options, many bad, some worse, why reject the one that gives the best possible outcome? Even if that best outcome sucks, why choose instead the worst result just for some non-tangible, transitory self-gratification? The answer is that culture has transformed pointless defiance, enshrouded it with the myth that, “Hey, maybe you'll win. In spite of everything, even though this act of defiance is misguided and stupid and almost 100% guaranteed not to succeed, you never know if you don't roll the dice.”

Of course we also have Samson: vain, vengeful, homicidal. His act of suicidal vengeance is praised, however, as the result of God hearing and answering Samson's prayers, incidentally beginning the deliverance of Samson's people from his enemies. A hero in spite of himself.

In these four vignettes, at least one actor decided for pointless defiance, for the futile and stupid gesture. In Mexico, the French Foreign Legionaires mimicked Napoleon's Guard -
"La Garde meurt mais ne se rend pas!" ("The Guard dies but does not surrender!") but in so doing had no effect whatsoever on the French siege then underway. Had they accepted the quarter that was offered to them not once, not twice, but three times they would have lived with no impairment of French Imperial designs. Their commander forfeited his life and that of his men for a legend.

To the north a few years later, the Irish Americans Fenian dreams are something out of Gilbert & Sullivan, a light opera with cannons and rifle fire for percussion and woodwinds. One can talk lightly of the raids, which led to less than five dozen dead (both killed in action and mortally wounded) of 40,000 men engaged in total, and the brief nature of the scattered engagements over five years. The concept of exchanging a kidnapped Canada for a free Ireland was rankest fantasy. But the issues were dead serious, and were not solved or extinguished by the defeat of the raids but returned to their home in Hibernia, with American support, money and latterly weapons.

The Second Boer War (or Boer War to the British, as who wished to forget that they lost the first so quickly and decisively) was fought for notions of liberty on the one side, and imperial domination and gold on the other. For the Boers, the guerilla war was in the near term more tragic than pointless after the British responded with uncommon brutality. When the Union of South Africa was formed in 1910, just eight years after the Boer war, Afrikaner/Boer generals from that war became Prime Minister and War Minister. For the British, the gold gained was oddly tarnished with not just excessive military deaths but civilian blood as well, and pale in comparision to the overshadowing financial cost of the war.

Paris did not burn, but Berlin, Hamburg, Dresden, Warsaw and so many other cities did, without even considering the devastation wrought elsewhere, notably in Europe and Asia. But Hitler's object in Paris late August 1944 was naked, unadulterated vengeance, unexcused and in fact contrary to any military objective. We have only General von Choltitz's own words for why he did not carry out his orders for pointless destruction and defiance, and his words are sometimes contradictory, often unclear, and always self-serving. We must remain content with the result without false heroism and unwarranted praise.

So, that's why this subject. Why now? The events of November 3, 2020, to January 20, 2021 are too fresh to be proper subjects for history. For now, we must be satisfied with journalism. But they will lend themselves to history, soon. And when that time comes, it will be good to reflect on past follies and the trusim that while history does not repeat itself, it does rhyme.

© 2021 Alan J. Carlson
Reproduction of this work for personal use permitted as long as the work is not modified and the source of the work is cited.